Nikola Tesla reportedly said, “If you wish to understand the secrets of the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.” The more we lean in to an energy-based approach to work at #lovework, the more we believe this to be profoundly true.
“Energy” is an interesting topic, mostly because it’s not something we talk about much in regards to humans. We talk about it plenty in reference to other things, like how we power the electricity in our houses or the oil we suck up from the ground. But when it comes to human energy, the topic can feel incredibly foreign at first.
But you intuitively understand human energy much more than you think.
At first it can seem like an “energy-based approach” might be kind of “out there” — that it’s some kind of hippy-dippy woo-woo thing reserved for people who eat a lot of granola and hug the trees (not that there’s anything wrong with either of those things… I happen to love granola AND trees). But sometimes when we start the conversation, to others it can feel like it’s disconnected from “hard bottom-line reality of business.”
But I’ve come to believe an energy-based approach to work is the MOST practical, down-to-earth strategy I have ever seen.
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Let’s look at it from an “assessment” perspective. As you probably know, the only psychometric instrument we recommend and use is Strengthscope® — and it measures energy. Other assessments you see measure stuff that someone made up: “personality traits,” “archetypes,” “motifs,” “psychological preferences,” and so on. None of that is bad, per se, I’m just pointing out that they are all complex and heady theoretical constructs.
Energy, on the other hand, is something you can feel. You know the impact of the wind. You feel the power of the sun on your face when you go outside. You’ve been frightened by the sudden clap of a thunderstorm. You’ve witnessed the brute force of the ocean.
Energy is what moves things — and you know it, because you’ve lived your entire life learning to respect the energy forces of the natural world around you.
Energy is actually one of the most down-to-earth, grounded, scientific notions that we humans understand.
But for some reason, we’ve stopped short of understanding that people have energy, too.
That we are little forces of nature ourselves.
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Which brings us to procrastination. To me, procrastination isn’t a terribly fascinating topic on its own — but if we start to think about it in terms of energy, it gets a lot more interesting. And procrastination actually has EVERYTHING to do with energy… or more appropriately, my lack of energy for certain things.
It’s like I just can’t muster up the energy to go do “that thing,” whatever it is, and so I procrastinate.
With our energy-based approach, we know that feeling is trying to tell us something, because energy is a vital clue in understanding what puts us in a state of flow and peak performance.
Through the lens of energy, procrastination can often be seen as a “canary in the coal mine,” a “red flag” indicating that we are headed in the wrong direction in terms of what we’re working on — we are moving away from our state of flow instead of toward it.**
Like I said: this is ridiculously practical. How many of us struggle with prioritization? And not just “what first,” but knowing which things to do at all? Is anyone else finding it difficult to focus and concentrate in today’s age of constant distraction? By building my Energy Intelligence, I start to realize that the tools I need to cope with the madness around me were actually inside me the whole time.
For us, the goal is quite simple: do more work that is life-giving and energizing. (And do less work that is life-sucking and draining.) And to help you get there, use procrastination as your teacher; there is much we can learn from the energy we feel inside, even if — especially if — it’s telling us to stop.
** Are there exceptions to this rule? Sure. But using our own energy as a guiding light is generally something most of us can do a LOT more of.
Josh Allan Dykstra