By Rich Shaw — Managing Director, The Shaw Strategy
During my 34 years leading teams, I attended many very good leadership development sessions comprised of top individuals and leading thinkers to help craft my skills as a leader. There were many very good lessons that I was able to bring back to my workplace.
Unfortunately, the learning and energy also had a ‘shelf-life’ as the demands of work would intrude upon the glow of my leadership session. In addition, my team did not get to have the same experience that I had in my leadership event; consequently, they did not have the same level of excitement about the change concepts. Moreover, I was not generally equipped with a tool set that would CREATE engagement.
Once I saw #lovework, I was immediately impressed with the transformational tool this team created to change cultures.
Several of the key takeaways for me included:
However, what really made the impact for me were the reporting tools which would allow me to measure the evolution of my team and how using #lovework correlates to improved employee engagement scores — which is a critical measure to satisfaction.
One of the key benefits of #lovework is its ability to cultivate a positive work environment. The bite-sized daily practices offered by #lovework tools serve as a catalyst for fostering a culture of appreciation, recognition, and collaboration. These lessons help organizations promote a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among employees, encouraging them to build stronger relationships and work together toward common goals.
By implementing #lovework tools, organizations create a positive feedback loop that reinforces desired behaviors and motivates employees to go the extra mile. This, in turn, boosts employee morale and satisfaction, leading to increased productivity and reduced turnover rates. By consistently engaging employees in daily lessons, organizations foster a work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and inspired to excel.
I spent a lot of time over 34 years focusing on how to transform my team. We needed to adapt to rapid growth, to economic downturns, to customer needs and to competitive threats… to name a few.
Start a conversion with the #lovework team today! (Click here)